new profanity

NSFW Group Show at New Profanity, West Hollywood

I See You I

I See You II

I’m going to have a couple of paintings in the NSFW group show at New Profanity in West Hollywood, opening reception is March 23rd.

These are an expansion on the coaster designs I made a few years ago that were quite popular (see the tondo gallery), I wanted to try something similar at a larger scale.

They are both acrylic on 16” circular wood panels. A bit different to my other current body of work but the theme is still pretty much the same. ha.

Boobs, Booze & Bingo! Art show & Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood at New Profanity

I’m excited to be showing a set of my erotic watercolors at New Profanity opening June 28th. The art show will serve as a backdrop for their Planned Parenthood fundraiser (more details on their facebook page here :))

7418 Melrose Avenue | Hollywood, CA | 90046
11am - 7pm Monday - Saturday | 12pm - 7pm Sunday
